Competitors Audits

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Competitors Audits

Having an outstanding brand presence and visibility on the web requires a level of tenacity that must be well thought out and such includes carrying out market researches and investigations from time to time to determine industry trends and offers (especially amongst your competitors) and adjusting and formulating- where necessary= business strategies that give your brand the best of competitive advantages.

Competitors Audits
Unravel and explore the strategies of leading competitors in your brand’s niche and make it work for you!

Get Expert Competitor Audit to Access Unlimited Brand Exposure

At Internet Mechanics, our marketing experts have time and over again proved that technicality is our specialty, hence the more technical the task, the more vested we are in ensuring that it is surmounted.

We are here to help your brand and business achieve a thorough competitive audit by exploring leading competitors, marking out their growth points -both major and minor, and creating sales strategies that are unprecedented- and of course works!

Our Competitors’ Audit Service

Competitive profiling

In this service, we go all out to search for all relevant information about your brand/business niche and its leading competitors. Here, we pay close attention to vital information such as competitor backgrounds, products and service portfolio, production trends, and success rates, corporate and marketing strategies including growth trajectories, and all other information that is relevant to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

It is through this, that we then identify opportunities that we engrain in the strategies we formulate to create the right mix for unmatched visibility and growth.

Competitors Audits
Competitors Audits

Media profiling

This involves going through competitors’ media production trends, practices, themes, ad campaigns, value propositions, market penetration strategies, pricing points, messaging and keyword usage, marketing budgets, segmentation and targets, content trends and audience growth, social media engagement metrics as compared with other competitors, product and service promotion strategies

New competitor research

We understand that no brand can be underestimated hence, we lookout for newbies vying for the industry’s attention within your niche. This may seem like an easy fit but is less likely so because new brands and businesses at their inception would likely give all they’ve got to ensure that they gain significant access into the market and segments that are readily available at the time of their entry-this is why we do not commonize the potential of this category of competitors at Internet Mechanics.
Competitors Audits
Competitors Audits

Marketing plan

Whether or not you have an existing marketing plan, we through the collaborations of our seasoned experts come up with genius marketing strategies stemmed on research outcomes of your brand’s potential or actual competitors.

Our strategies are characterized by actionable points which when implemented guarantees unlimited exposure and growth for your brand.

How Do We Carry Out Your Competitor's Audits?

For us at Internet Mechanics, we have developed a system of competitive audit that works, and this system is further enabled through several dedicated tools and resources available at our disposal. 

It is therefore all of these that help us to:

Uncover How Your Competitors Get Online Traffic

Through detailed research carried out by our expert team, we are able to find out the volume of traffic that leading competitor brands are generating; what factors they harness to influence the sources – are they direct, paid, referral-based, search-related or social; what geographical locations are most of their web traffic coming from; what sites do their target segment visit that directs or redirects them to these competitors websites and so on.

Identifying Their Top Product and Service Offers

For brands and businesses looking to exceed their competitors’ visibility and exposure, it is important to identify what competitors are doing right and channeling the right amount of resources to top these. To do this, we analyze competitors’ top web pages, identify additional promotion landing pages, their most popular products and services, and the offers they have created to push these- all of which we combine to create a strategy for your brand..

Unravel the segment of the market that they have successfully captured and work out a plan that gives your brand such segments and more

Because we understand the importance of information, we also give time to research the market segment that has been captured by competing brands, the psychology of this segment, and the marketing strategies used to achieve this segment- as a better understanding of such invariably helps us work with you to create an exceptional product and custom-made service offerings that are irresistible.

Why should you use our Competitors’ Audit Service?


Our wealth of experience within the digital space is unparalleled. For us every project worked on is an avenue to re-establish ourselves as professionals within the digital space and this we have upheld over the years.

Professional services

Our top-of-the-range Competitor Audit services are carried out by a team of highly skilled industry experts who have over the years of gained invaluable know-how by working with top shot businesses and brands. Together as a team, our synergy is simply magical!

Actionable strategies that work

At Internet Mechanics, no information gathered is useless, hence we analyze information to create realistic strategies that are unique and works for your brand and business. With every research, we ensure that we achieve a meticulous implementation of generated strategies to ensure that the overall brand/ business visibility objective is achieved.

Guaranteed enhancement of online performance

Our services are sure to enhance your brand’s web exposure, increase traffic, generate sales leads and conversions while attracting prospective and existing target segments. At Internet Mechanics, we ensure that the overall web experience for customers is exciting while business or brand owners also enjoy an increase in their investments- this is one sure way to retain your market segment.

Why do you need quality competitive audit services?

Our competitor audits help you put your best foot forward by making information on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your competitors known to you.

When you have this information, it becomes easier to harness identified untapped opportunities which are then backed up with decisions that set you on the path for success as a business – because you are now aware of what you must or must not do.

You also learn about competitor digital strategies while improving yours to get the right target audience traction.

Competitors Audits

Competitor Audit FAQs

A competitors’ audit is simply identifying leading businesses and brands within your niche, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, possible opportunities, and threats, and using these information profiles to create and implement strategies for your business/brand that are fail-proof.
This includes competitor profiling- both new and existing, media profiling, and finally, marketing strategy analysis.
The extent to which your brand benefit from this is immeasurable- especially if you use the right team like Internet Mechanics. Talk about limitless brand exposure, increased web traffic, and other too numerous to mention advantages!
Very well! Even if they operate a monopolistic niche- as no one likes unpleasant surprises, it is important that from time-to-time this is carried out to avoid a complete shift once a new alternative is in sight for the target market.
Say no more! The Internet Mechanics is here to save the day! You can trust us to exceed your service delivery expectations.