Technical SEO Audits

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To be successful online, your website needs to be properly functional, accessible for search engines and your website visitors. Internet mechanics helps you determine what’s working, what needs to be improved on, and where critical fixes might be necessary.

Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Auditors

Industry Professional Technical SEO Auditors

We possess industry professionals that use specific efficient tools in delivering smarter and faster jobs. With this, we accomplish more doing less to increase your ROI significantly.

The Internet mechanic’s team will develop strategies to assist in unlocking the full potential of SEO and unleash the influence of your brand.

Internet Mechanics has designed her SEO audit services for clients who had challenges ranking for target keywords but don’t know what to do next. If you have observed that your site is too slow, or you think there’s a problem with content duplication, but don’t have the tool at hand to confirm, that’s where we come in!

Our technical SEO auditing plans involve investigating every possible factor, from important on-page elements like title tags to comprehensive sitemaps. We will review your site and decide where your marketing strategy needs precise improvement — and how you can improve it.

We can also help start-ups that recently launched a website and desire to know how they can improve their initial pages.

Our Technical SEO Audits Services

Crawl Errors

With a crawl report, we quickly determine how functional your website is from a technical point of view. This shows you why a search engine is stuck or gets page errors.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

URL Status Code Errors

This can be a difficult task as you don’t know if a page is broken, or for how long. A regular website technical audit can help you discover broken pages and links. URL errors such as 404s can be easily detected.

XML Sitemap Review

The XML Sitemap plays the role of a map, showing search engines what pages are on your site. It should include all pages within your website. Making sure that every page within your sitemap returns 200 status codes and proper canonicals. Our Technical SEO audits will ensure that you are not wasting your crawl budget on broken links and removed pages.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

Site Load & Speed Testing

We can check how fast your website loads. Ensuring your websites don’t have slow page load times as poor site speed can affect SEO and other key metrics.

Mobile-Friendly Test

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly yet, we make it so immediately and run it through a mobile test that is of Google’s standard.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

Keyword Cannibalization

Perhaps pages of your website are competing for the same keyword; this can cause confusion for the search engines and also reduce your chances for top results. We help you to identify pages that are competing for the same keywords.

Review of Robots Txt

A regular review of Robots txt allows you to see the commands you give to search engine bots. If there are pages you do not wish search engines to display, they appear on this report. Search engines will only get to display pages you want them to.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

Google Site Search

Performing a simple Google search of your website will assist in determining how Google displays your indexed pages and we carry this out with great dexterity.

Duplicate Meta Data

Sometimes, large websites and e-commerce sites have duplicate meta titles and descriptions or missing metadata. This happens when you allow an SEO system to create metadata for you based on parameters, or you have copied descriptions from one page to the next. A detailed crawl report can alert you to issues with metadata and work out a solution to that.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

Meta Length Review

Ensuring your pages’ meta descriptions are the proper length can help your click-through rate. The meta description character length being increased gives you plenty of space for your keywords, specs, and a call-to-action.

Check for Broken Links

If a link is broken internally or externally, it can be bad for SEO and user experience, thereby leading to lower rankings. We are able to identify any links that are broken and fix them as soon as possible through our Technical SEO audits.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

Perform a Backlink Audit

We use the necessary tool to identify websites that are linking to your content. By assessing your link profile, you identify areas you can focus on with your link building and you can even assess your competitors’ backlinks and work to have an edge over them.

Duplicate Content Review

More than half of all websites have duplicate content issues, either internally or with external websites. We use the right tool to run regular duplicate content checks. With this, It’s imperative to do a complete content audit of your website as duplicate content can confuse search engines and impact your SEO negatively.
Technical SEO Audits
Technical SEO Audits

Review H1s

Every page of a website should have an H1 header. Our crawl report can alert you to pages that have multiple H1s. H1s are read by the search engines as the main point of the page. Your heading hierarchy should include one H1 and then can include multiple H2 subheaders and even H3 subheaders as the case may be.

Determine Underperforming Pages/Content

The above metrics can help you review pages that are error-ridden and underperforming on your website. From there, we can draw up an improvement plan suggestion and if requested have it implemented.
Technical SEO Audits

Advantages of Choosing Internet Mechanic’s Technical SEO Audit

Choosing Internet Mechanic’s Technical SEO Audit gives your business
the following advantages such as;


You easily measure your business metrics and progress. With these metrics, you can review the negatives and positives in the past and the required ones in the future.

Priority Marketing

We will help you highlight the areas of improvement in your online content. One of which is the bounce rate- If your bounce rate is high, you may need to optimize your landing pages for conversion.

Improves keyword distribution

We will through our services help in using keywords strategically and naturally, which is bound to boost your website ranking. Also, our audit helps in targeting low-volume keyword phrases to convert prospects to sales.

Local SEO Audit

With this, you are sure to increase local rankings, as you get accurate and actionable data on key areas on local optimization such as local listings, on-site and off-site local activities, local search rankings, and reviews.

Guaranteed Competitive Edge

Our SEO audit helps you to access competitors’ websites to assess their strengths and weaknesses in terms of keywords, backlinks, strategy, and mobile sites thereby identifying what works for your market segment and implementing them in building your brand.

Improves keyword distribution

We will through our services help in using keywords strategically and naturally, which is bound to boost your website ranking. Also, our audit helps in targeting low-volume keyword phrases to convert prospects to sales.

SEO is technical, but also fluid. Our experts have a pretty clear understanding of how algorithms behind how search engines calculate rankings.

Quality Technical SEO Audit

Technical SEO audit is a necessity for businesses with presence on the web because it gives useful pointers at actionable strategies which enhance web exposure and visibility.

For businesses willing to explore the benefits of technical SEO audits, it is sure to bring top web quality markers such as :

  • Enhanced website loading speed.
  • Drastically reduced bounce rate.
  • Ranking higher than competing brands.
  • Better web visibility
  • Increased web traffic.
  • Credible web mentions.
Technical SEO Audits

Technical SEO Audit FAQs

An SEO audit is a process of evaluating your website to see how functional it is performing on search engines.


SEO audits are a great way to create actionable plans to outperform competitors, identify opportunities within your website, locate and fix exit points, and create better user experiences.

A Technical SEO audit focuses on the technical infrastructure of your website, the on-page elements, and off-page vitals to optimize search engine visibility, usability, and conversion. It needs to be performed regularly for the long-term success of your website’s performance. 

While SEO in itself is the act of tweaking elements of a website to work best with search engines. It’s a complex practice, with hundreds of moving parts and decades of institutional knowledge, which we have mastered well.

For an effective Technical SEO audit to be carried out it must entail crawl reports, XML Sitemap Review, Site Content Structure, Keyword Research, Page Copy Theme Analysis, Keyword  Use, Meta Data Analysis (Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, Heading Tags) Schema, User Experience, and many others- which our expert team handles well.

The cost of carrying out a technical SEO audit is relative. This is because depending on the need of the brand, the depth or complexity of the brand’s request, the cost may vary.

Ours are however very competitive and very well over the value of services which we propose.