Cloud Stack Service

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Cloud Stack Service

Our Cloudstack service is able to deliver to you, all the functionalities necessary to manage your cloud infrastructure in a simple, yet comprehensive way.

This solution assembles all the processes in your organization, the technologies often used and the tools needed to operate in one place. If you are thinking of improving your cloud management methods, you should consider using the Internet Mechanic’s cloud stack.

It delivers a powerful, proven, hypervisor-agnostic platform that assists your business regardless of its size to build a true Amazon-style cloud.

This also helps to deliver higher efficiency, unlimited scales, and faster deployment of new services to your customers.

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Experts at Using The Right Tools For Your Cloud Infrastructure

We Are Professional Cloudstack Consultants

The cloud is actually complex but we make it simple. Internet Mechanic is one of the largest independent integrators of Cloudstack technologies around the globe, and a specialist in the design and implementation of IaaS cloud infrastructures for both private and public cloud implementations.

We possess years of experience in designing and building complex network, storage, and compute infrastructures with worldwide leading skills in Cloudstack- and understand that as your business grows, you will have a need for professional tools and systems that allows you to manage your infrastructure efficiently.
A cloud management platform is just what a mature business with specific IT demands needs.

Internet Mechanic’s Cloudstack Key Features

One Cloud, Multiple Hypervisors

With Cloudstack, a single cloud deployment can execute multiple hypervisor implementations of multiple types.

Based on a pluggable architecture, CloudStack software works with a variety of hypervisors to give you total freedom to choose the right hypervisor for your workload.

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Massively Scalable Infrastructure Management

It lets you manage tens of thousands of servers across geographically distributed data centers via a linearly scalable, centralized management server that exterminate the need for intermediate cluster-level management servers. No single component failure can cause cluster or cloud-wide outage, enabling downtime-free management server maintenance and reducing the workload of managing a large-scale cloud deployment.

Easy-To-Use Web Interface

Our Cloudstack makes it simpler to manage your cloud infrastructure with a feature-rich user interface implemented on top of the Cloudstack API. It is compatible with most popular web browsers.

The solution can be easily integrated with your existing portal for seamless running. A real-time view of the aggregated storage, IP pools, CPU, memory, and other resources in use gives you better visibility and control over your cloud.

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Robust Restful API

Our Cloudstack implements industry-standard APIs on top of a low-level Cloudstack API with its own unique and innovative features. Although the Cloudstack API is well documented, maintained, and supported, Cloudstack does not assert it as your only option!

We also have support for the API and may implement other cloud API standards as they become available.

Benefits Of Choosing Internet Mechanic’s Cloud Stack Services

Make the Right Decision for Your Cloud Services by Choosing Us

Single SLA

We offer a 24hour, 7days SLA-based managed cloud service for our entire stack and ensure end-to-end uptime of the systems.

Knowledge Transfer

IndiQus puts up constant efforts to educate your in-house teams on Cloudstack via scheduled training workshops by our experts who are active contributors to the Cloudstack community.

Experts of Open Source

Over the years, we have achieved an extremely high level of proficiency on Cloudstack, having managed huge production setups.


We support VM access using a root user password as well as SSH keys, using Cloudstack’s capabilities. Neither of these is, however, stored with us.

24 / 7 Customer Support

Internet Mechanics handles all your queries and complaints about your managed cloudstack 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year-round. With this, you can focus on your business and let us support your managed Cloudstack issues.

Experts of Open Source

Over the years, we have achieved an extremely high level of proficiency on Cloudstack, having managed huge production setups.

Effective Cloud Stack Management Service

CloudStack has been designed for centralized management and massive scalability; enabling the effective management of numerous geographically distributed servers from a single portal.

  • Fully licensed software service (Windows, Office, Remote App, Security & Backup).
  • Very simple per-user licensing model.
    Access tally anytime on the cloud using Windows, Linux, or Mac.
  • Guaranteed data protection against viruses, malware, and ransomware.
  • Automatic tally data backup with Acronis or commvault.
  • Fully functional printing and export on local computer.
  • Remote access through remote app or browser.
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Cloud Stacks FAQs

Cloudstack is a complete software used for creating Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds. Target environments include service providers and enterprises.

While The Cloudstack platform enables service providers to set up an on-demand, elastic cloud computing service. It enables a utility computing service by allowing service providers to offer self-service virtual machine instances, storage volumes, and networking configurations over the Internet; It enables enterprises to set up a private cloud for use by their own employees.

Yes! Every template has a privacy level associated with it. Privacy levels include: Public: The template is available to all users in the zone. Private: The template is available only to its owner. A user can make their private templates available to specific users. While users can see the template owner when viewing the template, administrators and end-users can add templates to the system.
While The Cloudstack platform enables service providers to set up an on-demand, elastic cloud computing service. It enables a utility computing service by allowing service providers to offer self-service virtual machine instances, storage volumes, and networking configurations over the Internet; It enables enterprises to set up a private cloud for use by their own employees.