Content Creation Service

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Content Creation Service

Do you have an efficient content creation strategy for your brand’s online presence or are you struggling to attract the right market segment to your brand online?

For increased visibility that results in conversions and sales, try Internet Mechanic’s Content Creation Service.

Content Creation Service
GMB SEO Consultant.

We have all you need to create impactful contents that properly positions your business in the world!

With a dynamic content team that includes strategists that develop content strategies based on specified business goals and market trends; Writers/editors that produce copy, conduct topic research and generate ideas; Graphic designers/illustrators that design layouts, create images, and develop brand styles; Social media managers that create social content, schedule posts and monitor results; Sales professionals that ensure marketing efforts are aligned with sales goals, and also perform lead scoring to develop buyer personas, we are positioned to give your business the wings it needs to fly!

At Internet Mechanics, we believe that Content is still King because high-quality content can increase traffic to your site and impact your online business growth.

Are you sure you’d rather leave that to chance instead of a professional?

Most business owners don’t have the expertise or the time to learn best practices and apply them to consistently produce great content for their own websites.
As such we have primed our services such that you get good content that drives growth, stimulates conversation among your tribe, and creates engagement opportunities.
That kind of investment makes good business sense! Doesn’t it?

What does our Content Creation Service Include


Maintaining an active blog allows you to prove that you’re an expert in the product or service you offer. Even better, blogs are very shareable; when your readers share your content on social media, you become further established as an authority.

This generates more traffic to your site. Companies that published 16 or more blog posts per month got 4.5 times the leads than companies that published 0-4 per month (Hubspot)

Content Creation Service
Content Creation Service

Creating Email campaigns

Emails can reach a large market for very little cost. Target only those potential clients that you know are looking for your product or service – your target market or persona – and use well-thought-out and well-written content.

Social Media Management

Being active on social media that suits your product or service is an easy and necessary way to connect with potential clients, convert them into customers, and then stay connected with them. Copywriters use these platforms strategically, sharing unique, fresh, relevant content at the correct frequency.
Content Creation Service
Content Creation Service


Linkbait is content specifically designed to bring links to your Website. We can identify a custom link bait strategy, create the content, recommend on-site changes in preparation for the campaign and show you how to market it.

Optimized press releases

We can create optimized press releases to help garner maximum search engine visibility and attention from relevant industry sources.
Content Creation Service
Content Creation Service

Optimized content

Content is good, optimized content is even better.
As a brand, if you want to rank for competitive keyword sets. At Internet Mechanics, We can show you how to optimize your existing content and create additional content that addresses the needs of your users. If in-house resources are low or you are under a time crunch, we can also execute this content for you.

And of course, we can come up with content strategies for your brand, content development plans, content optimization strategies, content promotion, and content reporting services that are tailored to your needs.

Why should you use our content creation service?

We can help you review your online marketing goals

At Internet Mechanics, we ensure to use your business goals in framing your content ideation process and from time to time return to them throughout the process.
To determine where your content will fit in the buyer’s journey, we also attempt to understand your buyers’ journey and think about where your content should fit.

We Generate Apt topic ideas

Sometimes your first idea will be the one – but that’s not always the case. We engage in brainstorming for a number of ideas and consider the benefits and challenges of each. When necessary, we then bounce these ideas to get a fresh perspective within our expert team members.

In-depth Research

With a basic idea of the content you want to create, we perform a series of research to understand your brand’s needs and how best to execute these needs. This may include using SEO tools to identify keyword gaps and commonly asked questions. Depending on your topic, we may also need to conduct subject matter expert (SME) interviews.

Publishing and promoting your content.

Once your content is published, we can’t assume that your customers will find it. Hence, we use social media channels and every tool available at our disposal to spread the word and attract new and returning customers to your content.

Reviewing content’s performance

Through the use of analytics tools, we can measure the success of your content. For blog articles and landing pages, we take extensive measures to ensure that it reaches the right market segments by bringing relevant information that would attract your market segment.

We can revise and optimize your content

If your content isn’t performing up to your expectations, we can carry out several specialized analyses to determine what needs to be improved or re-tweaked. To do this, further research may be required which we are skilled at. We may ask more questions, cover more key brand objective questions, or deploy the use of more relevant keywords.

Why do you need quality content creation services?

  • To establish your relevance as a knowledge expert in the industry
    The right content helps potential customers acknowledge your relevance as a knowledge expert. This can also divert significant traffic to you as the target audience for that product or service know where to go for key product and service information.
  • Increased brand trust
    Churning out quality content is a sure way to entrench brand trust. The key to this is consistency- potential customers can get used to your brand from the constant quality information you provide on products and services and this can endear your brand to many and create a sense of ease with your target audience.
  • Increase brand visibility
    Value creation is important for every business as such every business must first conceptualize what value their products must add to achieve their set business goals.
    Quality content is a way of creating value for customers and can in turn yield great returns in form of an increase in visibility because the more your content is ranked relevant, the more exposure and visibility you gain on the web.
Content Creation Service

Content creation FAQs

Content creation is the very base of all modern digital marketing strategies. It involves the process of conducting research, generating strategic ideas, structuring those ideas to promote a brand to a target audience.

SEO is different from content creation. It is an important content creation tool used to improve the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO generates unpaid traffic which has potential for sales and conversions.

Of course, it does! 

Using the right Content Creation service provider such as Internet Mechanics is bound to help you rake in the desired ROI on brand visibility and invariably, sales.

The cost of getting a good content creation plan varies and this is as a result of the need of brands and the kind of content required. At Internet Mechanics, what we ensure is to give you value beyond what is paid for, with a content ranking that is premium.

Certainly, it would. With the use of specialized SEO tools which ensure that your brand is strategically positioned on the web to reach your market segment.